Polices & Procedures
Follow the link below to access our Policies & Procedures via SchoolDocs
Mountview School uses SchoolDocs to help keep ensure our Policies & Procedures are available to our community and kept up to date . SchoolDocs provides a comprehensive core set of policies and procedures applicable to all New Zealand primary, intermediate, secondary, and area/composite schools, that is tailored for each school.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, and creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team.
Please use the following link to our SchoolDocs page to see all school policies and procedures. We will notify the community via the news page, Facebook page and school newsletter when it is time to give feedback when we are reviewing a particular policy.
The user name is: mountview
The password is: mountview
it's as easy as that.

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